I’m a ULD…
I need to be inspected (checked) for damage before Im used.
1. Like any piece of equipment a ULD must be inspected before use.
2. Refer to the ODLN for damage limits.
3. Even very small damages may make a ULD unsafe to use.

Like every other aircraft equipment any ULD must be checked for serviceability before use. Every part of any ULD has a functional purpose and if damaged may not be able to performing as required. Additionally a damaged ULD may not be able to be secured in the aircraft and/or may cause damage to the aircraft structures. This visual check must be carried out against the damage limits as provided by the ULD OEM and/or airline. Its not just large damages that are crtiical, a crack can be as significant as a large tear.
ULD are lightweight devices and are frequently subjeted to rough handling, resulting in damage. It is very important to carry out checks on each and every ULD before starting to build up, and again at every stage before the ULD is loaded into the aircraft. There is an unfortunate widespread belief that inspecting a ULD takes too much time, but that is not actually the case, the actual inspection takes a very short time, and only becomes extended if its nescessary to consult documenation to determine if the damage is within or outside the limits.
Loading an unserviceable ULD into an aircraft is never acceptable. Not only does this consitute a serious safety risk, the ULD may fail during flight, but also a damaged ULD may present problems with loading and securing in the aircraft, creating all sorts of issues.
Develop in house awareness that ULD are aircraft equipment that may not be used if damaged beyond certain limits. Establish procedures for all ULD to be inspected before build up and defined actions to be taken if any ULD is found damaged beyond limits.
Section 9.2 Continuing airworthiness, Section 7 ss 40/3, 40/4 odln
FAA AC120-85A
Chapter 2 Section 2.4 Unit load devices and cargo restraint devices
Section 6.1